Looking around all the other sites on neocities makes me want to rip this site down. Everyone has their aesthetic down to the the T, and here i am using a template i found online (albeit one i like).

"comparison is the thief of joy" - President Theodore Roosevelt

This has been a feeling i have felt far too often with my other hobbies - there is always someone better. But then the moment comes when i realise they too were once like me, comparing their day one - the first attempt - with someone who has had time to hone their craft.
It is a comfort - of a sort.
Realising you cannot be good at everything at once. But, to me, the frustration is greater. Why cant i be as good as everyone else NOW .

Despite my current abundance of time (im unemployed at the moment) i feel i dont have enough to do everything i want. And time spent on learning something i dont wish to persue as a career is time wasted. So i slump back and play video games. An escape. A way to forget the worries of the world.
But that doesnt make it go away. It delays it. Grows it. Making it worse as each passing day slides away from me.

I want to be great at everything and i want it now.
But alas that isnt how the world works.